Serious Designing for Serious Directors
CounterMotion boasts two of the activity's strongest emerging drill designers. From high schools and universities to drum corps and winter ensembles, we have taught, written for, and performed with some of the premier groups in the county.
Our goal in drill design is first and foremost, to give you, the director, what you need in order to be successful in your desired competitive area. While we cannot walk in and hand you your trophy, we CAN provide you with a platform to maximize your potential as a band director and further, as a program.
We are here to give you the best product and experience possible!
What Do You Get?
We email you a link to the drill as soon as a movement is completed. You will be able to download the PDFs of the drill charts, coordinate sheets, and animation of the drill.
We can customize the information provided on the drill pages to fit your needs and also provide individualized student coordinate sheets at no additional cost. You also receive 100% support from your designer throughout the entire teaching process to make sure everything is going the way you expect.
We design for the following:
Integration of all sections of the ensemble
In marching band, this includes both battery percussion and color guard. We see far to many ensembles that do not utilize these sections to their full strength and potential.
Smooth Transitions
Plain and simple, very few competitive ensembles ever achieve this… and we do this VERY well. While no ensemble provides the mathematics for a variety of transitions to all be perfect, there are techniques to clearing up even the toughest of transitions.
Maximizing Effect
Everything we write is done in a manner to create the most amount of effect possible.
A Constant Focus
At any given moment, the audience should know exactly what they are supposed to be looking at. Only the best designers know how to do this. We will provide this.
Unique and Interesting Visual Ideas
Every show we write is unique. We want your drill to be one-of-a-kind.
Clear Phrasing
Within every moment in your show, there should be a clear evolution of the current visual idea, where it is coming from, and where it is ultimately going. While music dictates this a great deal, the better the design, the longer these phrases can be.
Appropriate builds into and out of impacts
At every competitive level, some builds are hidden until the last possible second, while others can be seen coming from a mile away. The key is to know when to use each. This is usually dictated by the music.
Attention to detail
You’re hiring us because you want it done well. Plain and simple…